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Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund Toolkit

This bilingual Toolkit is a step-by step guide to the LDIF funding process led by people with learning disabilities and/or neurodivergent people.

The Easy Read version can be accessed by clicking the icon below.

It charts the stages of co-production that enabled groups across west Wales to apply for funding which stimulated new ideas for activities.  The resulting projects provided opportunities for socialising, learning and trying completely new ventures, ranging from film-making to cabaret.

The Toolkit draws together the experiences and learning of those working in three counties. Its aim is to help other groups – Regional Partnership Boards, local authorities, volunteers and carers – to look at this different funding model and consider how it could work in their area.

In addition to describing the stages of this innovative approach, the Toolkit provides practical support, including learning tips, pitfalls to avoid and a final Appendix of links to useful information and templates.



The Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund (LDIF) was initiated by the Regional Improving Lives Partnership (RILP) representing local authorities, the health board and people with learning disabilities and/or neuro divergent people in Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire.

Led by a Dream Team, supported by Pembrokeshire People First, Carmarthenshire People First and Our Voice Our Choice, it was devised, designed and assessed by people with learning disabilities. It was underpinned by the West Wales Learning Disability Charter.

The LDIF was co-produced by experienced organisations in line with principles set out in the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 summary.

This advocates a ‘person-centred’ approach to ensure that people have control over the support they need and can access information easily.

This, and experience gained from delivering ‘Pitch Your Project’ in 2019, helped to shape the Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund. It encouraged groups of people with learning disabilities to ‘think outside the box’, developing leisure and learning activities to suit them. Participants enjoyed the experience and it was very different from the usual ‘top down’ funding approach.

When funding became available to run the Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund, this positive experience prompted the partners involved to further explore this approach.


LDIF Projects


Delivering Change Together

Ensuring the meaningful involvement of people with learning disabilities and/or neurodivergent people in assessing applications for the Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund meant rethinking the approach and doing things differently. This new approach, facilitated by PPF and PAVS through the Welsh Government’s Integrated Care Fund, has delivered improved outcomes for those involved in assessing the applications, the organisations applying for funding and the people experiencing the activities provided by the funding. Having changed things for the better from themselves, I believe that the Learning Disabilities Innovation Toolkit they have developed has the potential to help many more organisations delivering care and support to involve their members in a similar way.

Kim Neyland

Strategic Partnership Manager, West Wales Regional Partnership Board


The Steps

Who’s Who in West Wales.


LDIF was a co-production initiative between partner agencies and the people they support.


The Dream Team worked with PAVS to draft the Application Form and Guidance.


The LDIF was launched by the Dream Team in August 2021.


The LDIF Assessment Panel was drawn from Dream Team members who responded to an ‘expression of interest’ call.


On receipt of applications, PAVS sent applicants acknowledgement and a description of the assessment process so they knew what to expect.


Successful projects were offered support during the funding period for rounds 1 and 2.


The LDIF process followed the co-production approach which took longer and cost more. Most importantly, it gave everyone involved an equal voice.

Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund
Involving People with Learning Disabilities


Facts And Figures

LDIF was a co-production initiative between partner agencies and the people they support which followed the principles set out in the West Wales Learning Disability Charter

£ 0
Projects Round 1
Projects Round 2


Who’s Who

The West Wales Care Partnership (WWCP) is one of seven strategic partnerships across Wales which oversee delivery of the Sustainable Social Services agenda ensuring observance of the 2014 Act. It links with public service and safeguarding boards and other care agencies.

Funding for the Partnership – and for the Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund – was from the Welsh Government’s Integrated Care Fund (ICF).

The Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund was managed through the Regional Improving Lives Partnership (RILP) which is co-chaired by regional representatives of ‘the Dream Team’ supported by Pembrokeshire People First, Carmarthenshire People First and Our Voice Our Choice.

Pembrokeshire People First (PPF) is an independent charity, run by – and for – adults with learning disabilities and/or neurodivergent people, supported by experienced practitioners. Reviewed biannually, its manifesto is one of developing skills, resilience and independence.

Carmarthenshire People First (CPF) is a member-led, member-focused advocacy and training agency. All members are adults with a learning disability, learning difficulty and/or neuro divergence. The Members are central to the business and are seen as ‘experts by experience’. The ethos of the agency is equality, diversity and the promotion of civil rights.

Our Voice Our Choice (OVOC) is a self-advocacy group set up in Ceredigion for people with learning disabilities. It is a member led organisation.

Supported by PPF, CPF and OVOC, the Dream Team is a group of people with learning disabilities and/or neurodivergent people from Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion. They are passionate about ensuring that people with learning disabilities have a voice and are actively included in decision-making meetings with partner organisations.

The Dream Team provides feedback and evaluation to the Regional Improving Lives Partnership, completing the circle by having real influence on decisions and plans.

Administration of the Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund was led by  Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS) working with its regional equivalents: Carmarthenshire Association of Voluntary Services (CAVS) and Ceredigion Association of Voluntary Organisations (CAVO).  

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