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The West Wales Learning Disability Charter informed every stage of the Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund. Relaunched in 2019, following a review by the Dream Team, the Charter is core to Learning Disability work across west Wales.

The Charter is the first of its kind in Wales. Its guiding principle is: ‘People with learning disabilities want the same things as everyone else does.’

It brings together support, health and relationships. It’s about having a social life, to feel fulfilled and to be treated with dignity and respect:

Help us to follow our dreams; to train staff who work with us; to get to know people who support us; to trust people to do what they say and to have access to advocacy’.

Dream Team members promote the Charter in communities with the aim of embedding this approach in everyday life. The Charter won an NHS Wales Cymru award for Empowerment and is respected as a significant development in the field of learning disability. You can find out more about the charter here.



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