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The Dream Team Final Report

In May 2022 the Dream Team, supported by PPF reviewed the Round 1 monitoring reports, and prepared a final report for the Regional Improving Lives Partnership (RILP) supported by Pembrokeshire People First and Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services (PAVS).

“People with disabilities want to do the same things as everybody else.”

“It gave participants a really fantastic experience.”

“The whole community can see what people with learning disabilities can do.”

“It shows there are other ways you can do things.”

Arts Care
Cabaret Project
“It’s giving people more skills, especially communication – taking them out of their comfort zone but into a safe space”

“It shows people ‘outside of our bubble’ what people with learning disabilities can do.”

Clynwfyw Community
“Great to see people getting paid for their work on this.”

“Really enhancing and skills building.”

“It shows people’s ability to do stuff.”

WOW film
A panel member who had recently visited Scolton – a local authority recreation park and exhibition area said: “I felt welcomed there.”

“It shows people with learning disabilities can run things”

“Makes people feel they are part of a team.”

Scolton Access
“I would like to see [an example] of the surveys they used with members”

“They did really good for the money”

“I’d like to see a story from someone with disabilities and how they found it, and what they gained.”

“You need to ask us before you change how you spend money.”

“There was training in the bid, and it wasn’t mentioned on the monitoring. Did it happen?”

Dream Team


Delivering Change Together

Ensuring the meaningful involvement of people with learning disabilities and/or neurodivergent people in assessing applications for the Learning Disabilities Innovation Fund meant rethinking the approach and doing things differently. This new approach, facilitated by PPF and PAVS through the Welsh Government’s Integrated Care Fund, has delivered improved outcomes for those involved in assessing the applications, the organisations applying for funding and the people experiencing the activities provided by the funding. Having changed things for the better from themselves, I believe that the Learning Disabilities Innovation Toolkit they have developed has the potential to help many more organisations delivering care and support to involve their members in a similar way.

Kim Neyland

Strategic Partnership Manager, West Wales Regional Partnership Board

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